Economics Homework Help: Organizing Your Writing

The field of economics is incredibly broad, including matters of public policy, sociology, human decision making, personal financial circumstances, and large-scale, macroeconomics. Writing a top-tier economics paper requires that you take all of these factors into account, but organizing a paper that touches on all these topics can present a problem. How to write a paper that is sufficiently broad and multifaceted, but also focused? The key is to organize your essay well. Follow the suggestions below to write a well-organized and logically coherent economics paper.

Begin Broadly

The introductory section of your economics paper should touch on a variety of factors relevant to your paper topic. If you are writing about free trade, for instance, mention some of the broad effects of trade policies on things such as international affairs and global prices. Consider the wide context of the topic at hand, and describe how your topic is related to several of the sub-areas within the field of economics. Consider the social implications and long-term effects of the event or subject you are exploring. This will capture reader interest and set the stage for the rest of your paper.

Get More Specific Gradually

Imagine your paper taking the shape of an hourglass: broad at the ends, with a tapered middle. The middle section of your economics paper should focus less on the general, wide-reaching circumstances, and instead should zoom in on a particular sub-area and information pertaining to it. Consider the fields within economics, and pick one or two to focus on. If you are interested in microeconomics, describe the small-scale, personal outcomes associated with an economic trend or policy. If are more interested in national economics or macroeconomics, write about the effects a policy has on the stock market or the gross domestic product.

Discuss Implications

As you finish your economics paper, consider the hourglass structure again: the conclusion of your essay should be general and broad, like the base. Return to some of the topics your introductory section explored, and recap what information has been shared in the main text of the paper. Use a current events example that is relevant to your topic to lend the paper gravity and immediacy. If there is enough historical or experimental evidence, try to predict what future effects a current economic even tor policy will have. Do not introduce any new information or research in the final section of your paper, as this will throw the reader off. The purpose of the conclusion section in an economics paper is to restate the research, make better theoretical sense of the data, and apply this information to the real world.

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